martedì 29 novembre 2011

Vivienne Westwood Save the Planet!

Una delle stiliste più agit-prop degli ultimi decenni, che negli anni '70 ha contribuito a creare lo stile punk rock, nel suo shop di King Roads, e ha disegnato abiti per i Sex Pistols.

Da anni lotta per le foreste pluviali, nelle quali investe cuore e denaro. E adesso vola a Nairobi per dare lavoro a 7 mila donne.

Ethical Fashion Africa Project non è charity, ma lavoro. Insegnano alle donne delle comunità africane a realizzare borse e accessori con materiali nuovi, completamente riciclati, come cavi elettrici, alluminio di scarto, e sono borse molto attraenti, pezzi unici, con stampe e colori fantastici.

Africa Bags Collection.


Vivienne Westwood Save the Planet!

One of the most agit-prop designers of the last decades, in the '70s helped create the style of punk rock in his shop in King Roads, and has designed clothes for the Sex Pistols.

For years the struggle for the rainforests, in which it invests the heart and money. It now flies to Nairobi to provide jobs for 7 000 women.

Ethical Fashion Africa Project is not charity, but work. Teach women of African communities to create bags and accessories with new materials, completely recycled, such as electrical cables, aluminum scrap, handbags and are very attractive, unique, fun colors and prints.

1 commento:

  1. so fabulous. thanks for sharing, love. If you get a second I'd love to hear what you think of my latest outfit. I shot it in front of Dee's house from Clueless. I'm sorta obsessed. lol. xo
