Chanel per la primavera estate 2012 propone una collezione delicata ed elegante in cui il tema marino, fonte di ispirazione per la nuova linea, si sviluppa con dolcezza e magia: sembra di essere nel mondo della Sirenetta di Walt Disney. Oltre la linea anche la location è a tema: Chanel ha trasformato il Grand Palais di Parigi in un fondale marino di un bianco immacolato. Insomma, una scenografia mastodontica quella voluta da Karl Lagerfeld.
Il bianco assoluto diventa il vero protagonista, i tagli couture non sono da meno. Al via abiti decorati con fili che sembrano alghe, iridescenze che ricordano le meduse e ancora tacchi che vantano la struttura dei rami di corallo e borse che sembrano ispirate alle conchiglie. Una new entry imperdibile: la nuova borsa "Soft Shell Bag", leggera e ripiegabile con catena.
After Milan Fashion week,we had the Fashion week in Paris. The 4th of October took place,in absolute, one of the most expected fashion shows: the Chanel one!
For spring summer 2012 Chanel proposes a delicate and smart collection in which the marine theme,source of inspiration for the new line, develops with a sort of sweetness and magic: It seems to be in the world of Walt Disney's the Little Mermaid. Beyond the line of clothing the location too follows the theme : Chanel transformed the Grand Palais of Paris in a sea bed in immaculate white. In short, a colossal setting was the one desired by Karl Lagerfeld.
The absolute white become the real protagonist,the couture cuts are not outdone.Let's start with dresses that seems to be decorated with threads that seem algae,iridescence reminiscent of jellyfish and heels that have the structure of coral branches and bags that seems to be inspired by shells. A new entry that have not to be missed:the new bag " Soft Shell Bag",lightweight and foldable with chain.
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Post Written by Sara |
The Chanel Spring Summer 2012 collection is really amazing! Each outfit is remarkably gorgeous! Very beautiful and wonderful post!
RispondiEliminaMuch love from the SABO SKIRT girls!