In effetti, ritengo che gli italiani famosi degni di nota siano ben pochi. Mi basta accendere la tv per rendermi conto di quanto la maggior parte delle celebrities italiane non abbiano la benchè minima idea di cosa significa avere stile. Nudità vista come sinonimo di seduzione, scollatura profonde che ambiscono ad essere emblema di eleganza, minigonne inguinali come vezzo di vanità. Ad una pruima occhiata mi verrebbe da pensare che per gli italiani non c'è speranza ma -per fortuna- ciò non è vero! Basta osservare bene e anche voi vi renderete conto che nel 2011 c’è ancora chi ha un sense of style innato e italianissimo. Sto parlando di Margherita, rampolla di casa Missoni.
La sua classe e la sua eleganza non tradiscono le influenze di una famiglia così importante nel mondo della moda mondiale e certe scelte rimandano inequivocabilmente agli anni vissuti in America.
Un outfit che non da fastidio alla vista, ma che, piuttosto, appare elegante e ricercato.
Giovane stilista tronata di recente in Italia per iniziare a lavorare per le griffe di famiglia, diccui è responsabile per gli accessori.
Anche in quanto ad arredamento Margherita non scherza affatto: dopo aver vissuto anni a New York, ha da poco preso casa a Milano, zona Brera, in un palazzo borghese anni 70. Nell'appartamento vi è una camera blindata, che ha trasformato in guardaroba e all'interno vi ha sistemato vestiti, scarpe e borse. Anche se un vano solo non è bastato ed ha dovuto occupare gli armadi a muro nella stanza degli ospiti!
L'estetica Missoni le appartiene e comprende un mondo di suggestioni -per esempio l'etno, l'arte moderna, il modernariato, il design industriale- e la sua casa, difatti, è un mix di souvenir di viaggio, brocantage, mobili che la seguono da oltreoceano i ricordi della sua cameretta da bambina. E non mancano oggetti Missoni, scelti tra le ultime collezioni Home.
I realized that, in speaking of style, they tend to take as an example foreign characters.
In fact, I believe that Italians are famous notable few. I just turn on the TV to realize that the majority of Italian celebrities do not have the slightest idea of what it means to have style. Nude seen as synonymous with seduction, deep neckline that aspire to be an emblem of elegance, like miniskirts inguinal affectation of vanity. At a glance pruima I would think that there is no hope for the Italians, but-fortunately-this is not true! Just look closely and you too will realize that in 2011 there are still those who have an innate sense of style very Italian. I'm talking about Margaret, scion of the house Missoni.
His class and elegance do not betray the influence of a family so important in the fashion world and certain choices unequivocally refer to the years spent in America.
An outfit that does not bother to view, but, rather, looks elegant and refined.
Young designer throne of Italy recently to start working for the big names of the family, is responsible for the shower or accessories.
In fact, I believe that Italians are famous notable few. I just turn on the TV to realize that the majority of Italian celebrities do not have the slightest idea of what it means to have style. Nude seen as synonymous with seduction, deep neckline that aspire to be an emblem of elegance, like miniskirts inguinal affectation of vanity. At a glance pruima I would think that there is no hope for the Italians, but-fortunately-this is not true! Just look closely and you too will realize that in 2011 there are still those who have an innate sense of style very Italian. I'm talking about Margaret, scion of the house Missoni.
His class and elegance do not betray the influence of a family so important in the fashion world and certain choices unequivocally refer to the years spent in America.
An outfit that does not bother to view, but, rather, looks elegant and refined.
Young designer throne of Italy recently to start working for the big names of the family, is responsible for the shower or accessories.
Even as to furnishings Margaret was not joking at all: after living years in New York, has recently taken up residence in Milan, Brera district, a charming building in 70 years. In the apartment there is a vault, which has turned into a closet and placed it inside you clothing, shoes and bags. Even if one room is not enough and had to occupy the closets in the guest room!
The Missoni aesthetic belongs to it and includes a world of suggestions-for example, the ethnic, modern art, the modern art, industrial design-and his house, in fact, is a mix of travel souvenirs, brocantage, mobile follow it from overseas the memories of his childhood bedroom. And there are objects Missoni, chosen from the latest collections Home
The Missoni aesthetic belongs to it and includes a world of suggestions-for example, the ethnic, modern art, the modern art, industrial design-and his house, in fact, is a mix of travel souvenirs, brocantage, mobile follow it from overseas the memories of his childhood bedroom. And there are objects Missoni, chosen from the latest collections Home
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